Thursday, 30 August 2012

MODheim: Bloodcap Gnomes update

Three painted gnomes brings the warband up to 7 models :), i'll get a full warband shot up soon.

Gnome hero

Gnome Henchmen
I've really enjoyed making these guys, so much so that I just picked up another 14 night goblin heads off eBay and another box of Avatars of War dwarf Beserkers..... lol.


  1. Very nice, they really look the part!

  2. What a cool concept. Lovely conversions are they being proxied as something?

    1. Thank you, yes I will be using them as Black Dwarves (chaos dwarves) in Mordheim, using the rules in the Border Town Burning supliment.

  3. Love these - one of my favourite parts about your various warbands (I'm thinking these and the terrortoises at the moment) is that you really think about the weaponry. It's unique to the warband you're designing. I'm very tempted to pick up the required parts for these!

    1. Cheers for that, it's a pain in the bottom though frankly, i'd probably be a lot more productive if I could just throw any old weapon onto a model, as it is i've scoured my collection numerous times for some weapons to put on models (and come up short most of the time).
      E.g. I could potentially build 4 more Terrortoise but I have no idea what ranged weapons to give them. I'm already stumped on the kroot (after spears bows and machettes). :( lol
