Sunday 23 August 2015

Freebooters Fate: Amazons, Pehua (Paint in progress)

Long time no update, i'm trying to get hold of a bunch of parts for some conversions (another set of twisty bloodletter horns for another Ember Demon and some space marine gloved hands for some armoured Gnomes), proving fairly had without just buying sets brand new at the moment :(.

So anyway, decided to paint my Pehua miniature as it's been sitting undercoated for yonks and there is a ToG competition at my local club for Freebooters, though i'm already month behind, I figure it might at least give me a little motivation.

This miniature has proven to be a real pain in the arse and confirmed for me that the Temple guard were flukes and I can't really paint that well lol, particularly her robes.

Some bits of her have already been painted three times before I hit the right colour combination, but those damned robes, I cannot get them to look right :(. 

I've had enough of robes, so it's eyeballs, bow, base and done for me now I don't want to spend any more time on this figure, i'll come back to her for the scabbard / arrows separate part. She's one of my favorite figures from the range but, baring in mind I hate painting anyway, I hate those robes lol.

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