Monday 10 September 2012

Modheim Building WIP

Well I haven't been doing any converting recently, but I have started to build my first building.

Captain Flasheart poses in the door frame tying to look moody.... or maybe he's just looking impatient for his shield which I still haven't painted....

Using Foamcore, wood from a hobby shop and some craft sticks I got from a local "cheap" shop (which isn't that cheap (and has put up the price of thier packs of sticks already by 50%)....), coffee stirrers, PVA glue and some Lego windows.

As a base I originally screwed the wood to a sheet of foamed PVA, but the building was too tall so I took off the base and put some foamcore inside the building instead which just about does it, height wise. I still need to do something to the floor, make another window, put coffee stirrers on the last side (recently glued in the picture, hence the rubber band), THEN I can think about the roof..... O.O.

I need about 8 of these I think for the Vampire hunter campaign....  might take me a while! or more likely i'll break down and by 1-3 of these excellent looking kits:

However i'm vastly going over the amount of cash I wanted to pay out for this project already and I still need to get a whole load of walls made or purchased for the city :(.


  1. Looks good, will be great when done and in a settlement of 8 or so. Maybe the captain is grumpy because he is considering the interior designs?

    1. Nah, I think he just wants to be finished, interior design is not a soldiers work ;).
